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The Registan
 The Ulugbek Madrassa
Bibi-Khanum Mosque
Ulugbek Observatory
Gur-Emir Mausoleum

Ulugbek Observatory
Ulugbek was probably more famous as   an   astronomer   then   a    ruler.  About  1  km  beyond the  Afrosiab  museum are the remains   of    a   30   meter   tall   sextant    he   built    for observing star positions. All that’s left is a      huge,      curved      track, unearthed   in   1908.  Next   door  is a    little    museum     about    Uzbek astronomers and about  theopening of   Timur’s   grave;   its  open  from 9 a.m.  to  6  p.m. daily. Transport  is  the  same  as  for  the  Afrasiab.
