Live and Heritage of Imam Ismail Al-Bukhari

              Imam Abu Abdalloh Muhammad ibn Ismoil ibn Ibrahim ibn Mugair ibn Bard… Al-Bukhari was one of those scientists who were born in Turan in Bukhara city on 20-th of June in 810.
The memorial complex of Imam Al-Bukhari in Samarkand is a center of pilgrimage for muslims and tourists from all parts of the planet. Created for the 1225th anniversary of this great thinker and collector of the hadith, dedicated to the work and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad that touch on  the  practical  side of muslim life, this memorial complex  is a gift to pilgrims, to the great works off  this thinker, whose work 12 centuries later still  brings wisdom and  goodness.  His  "Collective of true hadith of the Prophet  Muhammad Al-Djami As-Sahih" is a  priceless treasure of the spirit, of muslim thought, the source of high morals, and occupies the 2nd place after the Qur'an (Koran).
